Monday, December 31, 2007

review red mango, new game n internet center, klp gading (bukan ngiklan)

Buat kamu2 online gamer dan yg hobi net browsing, bisa coba mampir di warnet yg satu ini, 'red mango' namanya (kaya nama resto :p). Letaknya di perumahan kelapa gading, tepatnya jalan boulevard raya blok QS, dekat sekolah BPK Penabur KPS kelapa gading. suasananya cukup nyaman(karena tempat baru?), kecepatan bandwithnya juga cukup dapat diandalkan (kalo lagi sepi bisa sampai 70 kbps bahkan lebih buat download), harga yang dipatok juga sangat reasonable yaitu rp 2000/ jam (ato emang cuma masa promosi?), juga buka 24 JAM.
soal game, game yg ada bukan hanya game online, disediakan juga game2 offline seperti Need for Speed™ Carbon, TMNT, FIFA Manager 07, The Sims™ 2 Bon Voyage, Winning Eleven 2007, dll.
cukup memuaskan.
God bless you all.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

cvlu.exe virus and how to remove it

recently my girl friend's usb flash disk infected with this virus and through the usb its infected her PC (her AVG antivirus free is out off date), dunno where the virus is come from, this virus infect her usb with two files, cvlu.exe and autoron.inf. fortunately this virus is not very destructive. if u're dealing with this virus right now, i hope this story about my experience could help u out.

Let's get started. i used two tools which is: regseeker(hoverdesk), awc (advence windows care) version 2. they are freeware tools, you can search google and download them, regseeker is about 500-600 kb in zip form, and awc v2 installer is about 4,5 mb. after u finishing download and installing them, what you have to do is disable the virus process, you can do this by accesing task manager alt+ctrl+del, in tab process search cvlu.exe then highlight, hit 'end process', go to my computer, DONT DOUBLE CLICK INFECTED REMOVABLE DISK DRIVe, because doing so will reactivate the virus process. right click your removable disk, explore it, now cvlu.exe and auto.inf file can be deleted from your usb, delete them. now clean your windows registry with tools that i told before. Caution: DEAL WITH WINDOWS REGISTRY CAREFULLY(do at your own risk), create restore point and back up registry before using these tools. also check your start up program, disable suspicious start program with awc( awc could recognise several general program). after cleaning the registry and start up item is finish, proceed with restarting windows.
Congratz, Your windows is now free from cvlu.exe virus. :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

virus cvlu.exe dan cara ngebasminya

Baru2 ini usb tmn wanita saya terkena virus cvlu.exe ini di usbnya dan kemudian menepa ke PC-nya (avg free-nya tidak terupdate), entah darimana oleh2 tersebut didapatnya, file ini menetap di usb dengan nama file cvlu.exe dan mengikutsertakan file autoron.inf. Untunglah virus ini tidak terlalu ganas. Jika kamu mengalami hal yg sama, saya harap tulisan ini dapat membantu.

Mari kita mulai pembasmiannya.Tools yg saya gunakan antara lain: regseeker(hoverdesk), awc(advance windows care) version 2. Kedua tool ini merupakan tool freeware yg bisa kamu dapatkan secara cuma2, silahkan di search google dan didownload, regseeker skitar 500-600kb dlm bentuk zip, awc v2 installer sebesar 4,5 mb. Setelah slesai mendownload dan menginstal toolsnya (regseeker tidak perlu diinstal, karena sudah bersifat portable, cukup di-unzip) yg harus kita selanjutnya lakukan adalah mendisable process dr virus ini dengan masuk ke task manager alt+ctrl+del, pd tab processes cari cvlu.exe kemudian highlight dan tekan 'end process', setelah itu masuk ke my computer, JANGAN DOUBLE CLICK DRIVE REMOVABLE YG TERINFEKSI, krn akan mengaktifkan process cvlu.exe tsb, klik kanan removable disk kmu yg terinfeksi pilih explore, skrg file cvlu.exe dan auto.inf di usb bisa dihapus, hapus kedua file tsb. Stlh itu bersihkan registry windows dgn kedua tools yg disebutkan di atas. Peringatan: HATI2 BERMAIN DENGAN REGISTRY(do at your own risk), create restore point dan back up registry sebelum menggunakan kedua tools tsb(pd regseeker pilih back up before delete di bag kiri bawah, awc otomatis membuat restore point pd processnya). Cek jg start up program, disable program2 start up yg mencurigakan dgn awc(awc dpt mengenali beberapa program awam). Setelah pembersihan registry dan start up item tuntas lanjutkan dengan me-restart windows.
S'lamat, Windows kamu sudah bebas dr virus cvlu.exe. :)

My first post - English version

Finally i succeded create my own blog at blogspot, when i considered to create a blog i got little confuse to choose between blogspot or wordpress, but after browsing google search, i decided to choose blogspot.
Here's things that i got from my browsing about major differences between blogspot and wordpress.
First, wordpress is far more costumizable than blogspot, user can do more in costumization with wordpress, in blogspot you also can do costumization but not as flexible as u can do with wordpress.
Second thing, wordpress is not supported by google adsense yet (search google for information), for them who expect more from their blog, of course they want their blog supported from adsense (considering google credibility).
For third and so on, u can find with powerfull internet tool called "google" :p
And i look forward for your comment,
God bless y'all.

My first post

Jadi juga bikin blog di blogspot, tadinya rada bingung antara pilih blogspot ato wordpress, tapi setelah browsing-browsing google search, akhirnya saya pun memutuskan untuk bikin di blogspot.
Sedikit yg saya dapat dari hasil browsing saya mengenai perbedaan utama blogspot dan wordpress.
Perbedaan pertama, wordpress lbh costumizable daripada blogspot, blogger lbh dapat bereksperimen mengcostumize blognya di wordpress, tetapi bukan brarti blognya blogspot tak dapat dicostumize, blog di blogspot pun dapat diutak-atik, hanya saja tak seluwes pada wordpress.
Hal yg kedua, pada wordpress blm mendukung google adsense (penjelasannya harap di-google), untuk mereka yang mengharapkan lebih dari blog mereka pastinya ingin blognya mendapat dukungan dari adsense.
Untuk perbedaan yang ketiga dan seterusnya bisa di-google lagi.
Atau kalo ada yg ingin menambahkan, ditunggu commentnya,
God bless u all.